Education, Training & Awareness

Formed in late 2017, the Education, Training and Awareness Committee is made up of sector stakeholders from across the country all dedicated to forwarding the cause of safer and more respectful workplaces in the film and media landscape.

As a committee, we are focused on exploring and pursuing a variety of different approaches to spread the word about these crucial issues including: print campaigns, partnerships with schools, anti-harassment training and leadership-related courses, just to name a few. This website is one of the many ways in which we hope to assist our industry by increasing awareness of harassment issues and of what truly respectful workplaces look like.

Our most current initiative is a reach out campaign to schools across the country urging them to incorporate the Cultural Human Resources Council Respectful Workplace in the Arts Program materials into their creative sector courses or require their completion as part of their official curriculum.  This campaign launched in 2021 and will be pushed out at various relevant points over the coming several years.

Our aim is to ensure that all those who enter the creative sector are exposed to this training and also that there is consistency in what is being taught regardless of which part of the creative sector a person is endeavouring to join or where in Canada they may study and / or work.

We’ve also created a Market Scan of respectful workplace training across Canada that can be accessed here.

Kendrie Upton & Nathalie-Anne Brassard
Co-Chairs – Education, Training & Awareness Committee

Kendrie Upton is the Executive Director of the Directors Guild of Canada BC.
Nathalie-Anne Brassard is the NFB and Documentary Director Labour Representative at the Directors Guild of Canada.
Harassment Prevention Training Resources Victim Services (interactive map, human & employment rights, mental health) Employer | Supervisor | Labour (tools, guides, prevention, & member services – helplines) Courses (CCOHS | CCHST + only non-profit labour safety orgs. who certify OHS Committees) Respectful Workplaces in the Arts (Training and other resources on harassment)